Friday, February 27, 2009

San Diego Beadwork Meetup

I meant to post this right after the meeting but life got in the way. I went to the monthly Meetup meeting at South Sun a couple Sundays ago. The group organizer, Teresa, really puts a lot of time and effort into lining things up, and is a very welcoming hostess. I brought along a tube of seed beads (one of Donna Palmer's mixes that I bought from her last August in Pasadena) and the instructions on how to do a spiral herringbone stitch. After one false start, I had it. I know I need to post a photo of it (and plan to do so), especially because the colors are wild. (Orange, purple, lime... Very Donna-like.) Watch for it.
Anyway, the meeting was small this time, but I was able to meet three new friends. It is interesting to see what each person is into, and what materials they are most comfortable using. I was the only one working with seed beads that day. Teresa made two necklaces in the time she was there (prolific!). I had a good time and really enjoyed being around other jewelry-making addicts like myself.

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