Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Carlsbad Inn Trunk Show - week 2

We had a very successful second weekend at the Carlsbad Inn Beach Resort and both Bonnie and I are very grateful for the opportunity to show there. We were inside the resort's library this time, and out of the cold and rain. We had lots of resort traffic, and some visitors from the flyers we had distributed.

The things I learned from this past weekend include:
1) Don't plan a show on a Chargers Game day if you plan to set up in the only area with a big screen tv.
2) It was a very, very, very good idea to accept credit cards and go through all I had to do to get set up to take them. Two-thirds of my sales were paid for with plastic.

Things I learned from the first weekend include:
3) Balloons are helpful if you have an outdoor booth located on the other side of a parking lot. It lets people know that there is SOMETHING going on over there, and most are curious enough to come over and look.
4) Bring lunch. Bonnie went to get us food, and while she was gone I had a sale. The problem was, the lady hurried me (my mistake to let her get me flustered), and I did not check the expiration date on the credit card. Lesson learned--I had to eat the sale because I couldn't process the charge without the expiration date of the card.
5) Dress in layers. I got this one right.

I had a lot of fun and it felt great to hear the compliments on my work. I moved a fair amount of stock and met some really nice people, including the resort staff.

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