Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Hive

I am pleased to announce that Elan Studios hand-beaded jewelry is now available at the boutique located in THE HIVE Waxing Salon in Encinitas, CA.

Amanda Maxwell is the new owner of the Salon, and has the cutest assortment of fashion goodies for sale in the boutique, in addition to the services that they perform at the salon. (Ever hear of a "Fun Betty?" I hadn't til I went there.) Amanda and her mom discovered my work at one of the springtime jewelry shows I had at the Carlsbad Inn and they both fell in love with my beadwork. The HIVE now carries beaded earrings and bracelets in fun, summertime colors.

Check out their website at and go visit them sometime!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring Shows

I had two springtime shows in April at the resort in Carlsbad where I have shown my work before. It is a hotel and timeshare resort, right by the beach, with a vibrant and ever-changing clientele. The guests come from all over the place, and I enjoy meeting them and having a chat. It seems that the winter holidays bring more foreign visitors and people from northern climates whereas the springtime holidays appear to pull in just about anyone, including locals who come to use the resort facilities just for the day.

We had a gorgeous, warm day today, and I had brought all the pale and pastel beaded jewelry that I had to display. It made a nice statement, as my table was set up in the lobby, and the Easter-like colors stood out against the orange and brown and white decor.

I also had the good fortune to meet a potential wholesale client and will follow up with her next week. Mumms the word on that right now, but will keep you posted.

Now off to bead a special order bracelet to go with the necklace one of my clients purchased today.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Facebook Forgiveness

So I have been paying a lot more attention to my Elan Studios Facebook site than I have to my Beads, Beads, Beads Blog site since last summer. Really shouldn't do that as I reach a different audience through the Blog.
I am starting preparations to open an Etsy shop sometime soon. Thanks to a very cool tutorial on La Bella Joya's blog, I learned how to make a banner for my web shop. First one is very basic:

Maybe a few more tries before I get it right, and then I will take the plunge. I have some new beaded earrings that will go on that site right away (unless they are sold to a blog-reader or FB fan first), so take a peek on my Facebook page to see them. (I have still not mastered the skill of inserting photos where I want them to be on this darn blog.)