Sunday, January 23, 2011

Facebook Forgiveness

So I have been paying a lot more attention to my Elan Studios Facebook site than I have to my Beads, Beads, Beads Blog site since last summer. Really shouldn't do that as I reach a different audience through the Blog.
I am starting preparations to open an Etsy shop sometime soon. Thanks to a very cool tutorial on La Bella Joya's blog, I learned how to make a banner for my web shop. First one is very basic:

Maybe a few more tries before I get it right, and then I will take the plunge. I have some new beaded earrings that will go on that site right away (unless they are sold to a blog-reader or FB fan first), so take a peek on my Facebook page to see them. (I have still not mastered the skill of inserting photos where I want them to be on this darn blog.)

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